When I heard Culkin wanted to start a blog documenting his struggle for physical validation in his otherwise cold and gray world, I figured, "What the heck?". I'll bite. While my current physical condition places me roughly between The Grinch and Snookie, it's a known fact that guys that guys that resemble Paul/Morgan Hamm don't have the build for long distance races. You can't dispute that. It's science.

So while the first two days of triathlon training have left me feeling vaguely like my great Aunt Francie, and it makes me sick to my stomach to think about the number of situps I'm going to need to do between now and June 4; what will be a long arduous road to certain domination has begun.
Here are the keys to victory as I see them:
1)First, I may actually try to run a mile or two between now and June 4.
But then...
2) General Ridicule- Business as usual really. I'm hoping if I can't break his mile time, I'll be breaking his spirit.
3)Sabotage- You heard of the phrase "Who pooped in your Cheerios this morning"?
I'm not saying, I'm just saying.
In closing dear readers, of which as of right now, we have exactly none, the gauntlet has been thrown. On June 4,

My roommate Justin thinks he can run, swim, and bike his way across the god forsaken frontier of upsate New York faster than me. Both first timers, both motivated, but only one looking like the guy who placed 1st in the floor exercise in Sydney in 2008.
Game on.
Sorry Justin, it's not called Gym-nice-stics.
Please Give us your comments and training tips, offer us your proposed wagers (we need a good bet), and subscribe. Free autographed, framed photos of Justin Romano Esquire with the Brothers Hamm to the best bet suggestions.