Saturday, May 7, 2011

Confidence is High

After weeks and weeks of rain, the weather in Pittsburgh this afternoon was exceptional.  I ran 10+ miles in 1:27.04.  It was an awesome day for a run.  

Getting up over the 10 mile mark is also a big confidence builder.  I don't know if I mentioned this previously, but I am running the City of Pittsburgh Half Marathon a week from tomorrow.  That is the reason that my training has been predominantly focused on distance running.  

After the half, and in the three weeks prior to the tri, I am going to switch gears and incorporate a lot more swimming and biking, as well as combination workouts.  I feel like the half training has provided a solid endurance base.  

Call me Dr. Steve Zissou

Because I'm living the life aquatic.  

Hit the pool for the first time last week.  Was able to go at it for about 25 consecutive minutes.  It actually felt great.  The biggest challenge was getting into a breathing rhythm, particularly in light of the fact that the pool at my gym is only 22 meters.  


Please allow me to apologize for the lack of posts lately.  I know you all hear this a lot, from everyone, but I have been insanely busy.  It's actually true for me though, I am not just trying to make myself feel like I have my life together more than the next guy.

I'd like to give a shout out to my sister for hosting Ian and I in Charlottesville last weekend. We attended a horse race called Foxfield, which really turned out to be an excuse to dress like Souther yuppies and day drink in a field.  After eights hours in the sun with no sunscreen (I only wore the above hat for that photo), I looked like John Boehner.  Despite setting my training back-what felt like a month-it was an awesome time.

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Ran 9 miles on the road yesterday.  A few challenging hills.  It felt good to get up to the 1:15 mark.  My focus has primarily been on running, as the City of Pittsburgh Half-Marathon is on May 15.

Ian has been focusing his efforts on swimming.  It appears that he is using the pool to build his endurance base and to create an advantage in the first leg of the tri.

Culkin Advantage #2

Ian had a kidney stone.  Like an old man kidney stone.  Not a shark's tooth, though.

Saturday, March 19, 2011


This is totally unrelated to triathlons or athletics at all, but it is just awesome.  

Breakfast of Champions

Today's running diet:

(1) slice cold pizza w/ mushrooms and green peppers
(1) grande coffee from Starbucks

Rocky II

Better than the Rocky IV training montage?  What else is up there?

Simple Plan

An hour trail run.  An hour picking up weights in the gym.  Boom.

As far as I can tell, Ian's training has been as prolific as his posting.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Feeling Stronger Every Day

6+ miles at 8 minute pace.  A few challenging hills.  Still had some gas in the tank.  

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Set Back

Welp, I'm afraid the St. Patrick's Day Parade (moreso the related celebrating) may have set training back a bit.  Fortunately, I was home early enough to deal with the hangover on Saturday night.  My condition appears to be sufficient to attempt physical exertion as of Sunday morning.

In other news, Buster ate the last slice of pizza that I probably shouldn't have eaten anyway.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


Keuka Lake Tri

There are several levels of triathlons.  For those who are wondering, Ian and I will be competing in a "sprint."  The events break down as follows:

1.  Swim -- .75 km (.46 mi) 
2.  Bike -- 22 km (13.8 mi)
3.  Run -- 5 km (3.1 mi)

Ian seems to think that he will be able to build a sizable lead in the water.  I'm not really sure of his rationale there, but I suspect that he is basing it on the fact that his body is three times as long as mine.  On a related note, I cannot wait to see that dude in a wet suit. Preferably, with a hood.  

Saturday, March 5, 2011


I have yet to come across better workout music than local product, Girl Talk.

The Bet

Ian and I agree on few things.  However, one thing we do agree on is the stakes for this race.  Let's hear some suggestions on an appropriate wager.  Please interpret the term "appropriate" liberally.


Anyone have any advice to offer?

Today's training:  6 mile trail run.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Hearts on Fire

When I was pounding the pavement the other night, Ian was at the gym wearing tights.  I think he went to do crunches or something.  As far as I can tell, he has eaten crunch wraps on many more occasions than he has done crunches since we've lived together--but you've got to start somewhere.

While I was running, I was thinking about his simultaneous workout, and I couldn't help but think about the training montage from Rocky IV.

Our competition has quite a few similarities to the film, and beyond that, Ian and I have many similarities with the antagonist and protagonist.

Ian is Ivan Drago:
  • He's tall;
  • His favorite color is red;
  • He's blond;
  • He has a blank expression on his face most of the time;
  • He loves wearing singlets;
  • He would most likely fail a drug test at any given time;
  • He calls Soviet Russia "The Motherland."
I am Rocky Balboa:
  • I'm under 5'10";
  • I'm an Italian American;
  • My body is chiseled from granite;
  • I speak in nonsensical terms from time to time;
  • I have at least one star-spangled article of clothing;
  • I hail from the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania;
  • Thunderlips could probably kick my ass.
The parallels are striking.  I'm liking my chances.  Think about it.  

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Hamm-ing it Up

When I heard Culkin wanted to start a blog documenting his struggle for physical validation in his otherwise cold and gray world, I figured, "What the heck?". I'll bite. While my current physical condition places me roughly between The Grinch and Snookie, it's a known fact that guys that guys that resemble Paul/Morgan Hamm don't have the build for long distance races. You can't dispute that. It's science.

So while the first two days of triathlon training have left me feeling vaguely like my great Aunt Francie, and it makes me sick to my stomach to think about the number of situps I'm going to need to do between now and June 4; what will be a long arduous road to certain domination has begun.

Here are the keys to victory as I see them:

1)First, I may actually try to run a mile or two between now and June 4.

But then...

2) General Ridicule- Business as usual really. I'm hoping if I can't break his mile time, I'll be breaking his spirit.

3)Sabotage- You heard of the phrase "Who pooped in your Cheerios this morning"?

I'm not saying, I'm just saying.

In closing dear readers, of which as of right now, we have exactly none, the gauntlet has been thrown. On June 4, My roommate Justin thinks he can run, swim, and bike his way across the god forsaken frontier of upsate New York faster than me. Both first timers, both motivated, but only one looking like the guy who placed 1st in the floor exercise in Sydney in 2008.

Game on.

Sorry Justin, it's not called Gym-nice-stics.


Please Give us your comments and training tips, offer us your proposed wagers (we need a good bet), and subscribe. Free autographed, framed photos of Justin Romano Esquire with the Brothers Hamm to the best bet suggestions.

Culkin Advantage #1

It is a scientific fact that the human body can only process enough oxygen to support a 6'4" frame for approximately 80 minutes of aerobic exercise. Ian is 6'7". This race will take at least 90 minutes. Do the math.

Very Simple

June 5, 2011.  The day of reckoning.  Ian and I will be participating in a sprint level triathlon at Keuka Lake in New York.  

By way of background, Ian and I are roommates in Pittsburgh, PA. He's tall. I'm not. I'm charming. He's not. And so on. There has been a healthy amount of smack talk since we signed up for the race. The purpose of this blog is the document the training and other shenanigans leading up to the race, and also to get reader input on certain aspects (i.e. the wager--more on that later).

Thank you for reading and keep coming back.